Internet venture
To: Subject.: Internet venture. Dear Madames/ Sirs. On Monday , March 22, 2121, I sent the attached message to Logosite . I would like to know if you think there is a possibility for the idea I came up with. Best regards, assaf benyamini. post Scriptum 1) I attach a link to a site where you can find more material about the struggle of the disabled in different languages:…
2)The social worker, with whom I was monitored until 16.3.2021: Oshrat- 972-50-5857185.
3) I applied to Logosite to 4) I will note that in the meantime (I am writing these words on 17 APRIL 2021) I have managed to open a new Facebook account and my access to this social network for the time being exists and is not blocked.
To: “Logosite”. Greetings: Subject: I asked. Dear Madames/ Sirs. Since about 2007, I have been participating in the struggle for the disabled in Israel - and since 2012, I have been doing so on the Internet and on various social networks. I read on your website that you offer a platform that aims to help build social networks. I was thinking of trying to set up a social network, which at least initially would be based on the struggle of the disabled - however you could later develop into additional areas according to user preferences. The intention is to establish a social network that will initially be based on the issue of the disabled - but will be open to anyone who wants to join, and when related to the issue of the struggle of the disabled will in no way be a condition for additional users. I will note that there are a number of significant difficulties here: 1) I am a private person and not a public figure or a person with many connections - so my ability to advertise the new network will in any case be very limited. 2) I do not have enough technological knowledge or knowledge in computers to develop such a platform on my own. 3) I am a person who subsists on a very low income - a disability pension from the National Insurance Institute. Hence my financial investments in such a project are not possible. 4) I have no knowledge of foreign languages - except for medium to low level English and very low-level French I have no knowledge of other foreign languages. I have translations of content related to the struggle of the disabled into 53 languages that I obtained from translation companies - however my poor knowledge of the subject can certainly hurt and make it very difficult to advertise a new social network. 5) My Facebook account was blocked during October 2020 - and since then I have not been able to return it. Thus at least at the time of writing these lines (I am writing these words on Monday, 22.3.2021) I have no ability to use Facebook in any way.
Therefore, I would like to ask you: In view of the difficulties I described, the project I wrote about is possible in your opinion? Or is it better to just abandon the idea because it is too “gloomy” or pretentious? what do you think? Best regards, assaf benyamini, 115 Costa Rica Street, Entrance A-Apartment 4, Kiryat Menachem, Jerusalem, Zip code: 9662592. My phone numbers: Home 972-2-6427757. Phone 972-5806784040. Fax : 972-77-2700076. post Scriptum: 1)My ID number: 029547403. 2)my email addresses: or: or: or: or: or: 3)The following is a link to the website of the “Overcoming” movement - Transparent Disabled, which I joined on July 10, 2018: Overcoming movement - for the sake of the transparent disabled
Overcoming movement - for the sake of the transparent disabled Overcoming movement - for the sake of the transparent disabled
The site was built with the help of a company dustwave
4)Here are links to my profiles on the social networks where I am currently - not including the profiles on Facebook and Instagram that are currently (as of March 22, 2121) blocked:
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